Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Balancing on the Balance Beam of Life

Sometimes these days I feel torn between all of the demands prevailing upon the few hours that I have each day available for personal endeavors. Most of my day is committed to raising my children. Then a greater part of the next segment of my day is spent finishing my clinical for my Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. It seems like I don't have any time for anything else, let alone eat, sleep, wash the clothes, walk the dogs, and breathe.

One of the things I am trying to force myself to do is find ten minutes each day to sit on the side of the road and meditate on balancing my life and what that would really look like. I believe that it starts with focusing my strength and energy on worshipping a very living God who loves the Universe, yet, that focus must also have a practical reach in that if I spend all of my time up in the clouds, I will have no earthly value. Yet, if I take what I learn in the clouds and dispense it to those I interact with not so much with my words, but with my actions, then I will definitely have the value that is needed to make a world impact.

It is so easy these days to get things out of balance. But if we are faithful to ourselves and to our Creator, He will help us find the true center that keeps us in balance and in touch with a practical reach. I know that the very next time I start to feel overwhelmed with the things of this life, I will remind myself that I have lost my focus and inevitably lost my effective reach. To this end, the only way to get back into focus is to get back to that ten-minute time slot where I can afford to seek my Father in Heaven and get His perspective... sometimes to be honest, I end up spending more time than ten minutes, but somehow, the rest of the day comes together in a perfect array.

After all, if the Creator of the Universe knew how to create such vast and enormous heavenly creations and create you and I, then how much more can He help us with our every day, mundane lives.

My best to you,


RennyBA said...

Your so right: what you are focused on, you get more of you know!
Wishing you a lovely week ahead:-)

Ramy Bakke, PhD said...

Yes Renny... It is true, you get more. Thank you for the warm wishes. I believe your week will be graced with good things.


surjit singh said...

An insightful post.Kep it up.Best wishes.