Friday, September 07, 2007

The Sun is Up

Amazing... the night has gone, a new day has dawned. Today is a fresh new day. There are fresh, new, exciting horizons waiting to be explored. It is all about perspective. 6:26 A.M. Central time... kittens are stirring, the dogs are snoring and my teenagers are snuggled in their cozy little beds. Not for long, I think. I ponder the ability to sit and enjoy the quiet (except for the road noise in front of the house). It was quiet a few hours ago.

Pastor talked this last Wednesday about taking the opportunity to make each day a day to rejoice by choosing to rejoice. There is so much truth in this simple statement. Joy by choice. Perhaps it should be stated, "joy by re-choice," for as you know the minute you choose to be joyful, the test will come to steal away your joy.

Today, just for today... make an effort to have joy by choice. For you have a Father up in the Heavens who loves you compassionately, dearly and completely... He is a good God. He desires good things for you and certainly today, IN today, He can help you find joy!

"For this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NIV I guess that means it takes both of us to be joyful... you and I are in this together!

My Best....


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