Sunday, December 01, 2019

Dear One...

I realize your pain is deeper than a vast ocean. Yet nothing is beyond the Heavenly Father's ability to heal. Would you endeavor to give Him your pain? 

Today is a new day. You are not bound to yesterday. The old has passed away, the new has come. Will you trust Him with today? Be present in today? Smell the beauty of clean air, feel the gentle breeze, see the sun rise... you are not alone in your pain. The angels are near by standing ready with vessels of healing balm. Will you allow them to cleanse your wounds?

His promise is to heal and restore you, yet you have to come towards Him... close enough for Him to pour His presence into every corner of your being! His love is perfect. There is no sorrow in His love! Give Him your grief dear one. Give Him all that burdens your heart. Give Him your tears. Give Him your fear of the future. All is not lost! You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Behold He makes all things new.

Trust Him today dearest one... trust Him! He is trustworthy!  He brings beauty for ashes. He is our kinsman redeemer! He is our completion!  He knows your end from the beginning. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath! He has not forsaken you... He is right there with you!

You ARE His dear one!

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