Sunday, July 02, 2006

Counting the Costs

In a couple of weeks, my step-son is getting married. It is the biggest day of his life. I remember when he was seven years old. How young and tender he was. Now, he is a man creating his own household. I asked him if he was ready... he said he was. I can't wait to meet his bride.

One of the deepening parts of my life right now is the process of counting the cost of everything I endeavor to participate in. I used to think of this as a process called "the ripple effect" where everything I do, has an effect on others, therefore, I must think about the things that I choose to do. Can I afford to do them? Can I afford to not do them? Have I thought through all of the options? Is there anything I am leaving out? I know that I am not as quick to move to do certain things anymore. I tend to pray over things a lot longer until I have a peace and definite direction about doing them. I am learning that in order to be ethical, I must then be honest in all things and take responsibility for them. It means making wiser choices, even to the point of not speaking at times when I would rather speak.

Wisdom says to ponder the path until the path becomes clear. At least that is what I hear her saying. I believe that Holy Spirit inspires Wisdom's voice. And as long as I seek to wisdom, I will hear both Holy Spirit and Wisdom loud and clear. In the end, the costs will be the most effective.

Pondering on.... RamyB

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