Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Some things are better learned in humility...

Never has there been a better time to learn than the present. Learning takes humility. It means remembering that there is always someone smarter than you. It means listening to the other person. Being willing to render yourself submitted to the leading and ushering of Holy Spirit. It means acknowledging that there is more to learn and one can always be taught.

We can rush in like a firestorm, or walk in gently like a gentle, soft wind. Both have purposes only Father can really know and understand, yet His purposes are probably better accomplished with the gentle wind.

Speaking softly... listening for the whisper of His voice... listening for the sweet words of rebuke that come to teach us more of who we are in Him... molding and remaking us. Softly, gently... pushing down the parts of the clay that are imperfect and tenderly fashioning them back into the place that they were intended to be. The hands of the potter knows.

Lessons taught by humility... lessons taught by being willing to listen to another person's heart. Lessons learned through the power of Holy Spirit's anointing that crushes the yoke of bondage... and sets the captives free.

He is the King of Glory... I will humbly usher Him in to His throne room centered in my heart.
with love,

Ramy B

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