Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Day is Approaching...

It is amazing that Christmas Day is already five days away. Each year, the commercial establishments start setting up for Christmas in America just before Halloween now. It used to be that they waited a little while before Thanksgiving.

It is my hope that as Christmas Day approaches that the real meaning of Christmas becomes evidently clear to those who believe and celebrate it's true meaning. I also recognize that Hannukah is being celebrated right now as well and today is day eight of that celebration. It is important to celebrate your faith, whatever that faith might be, but to celebrate it. Be diligent in pursuing God in your endeavors. I believe that these seasons bring us closer to Him if we allow Him to draw us near.

In this season of giving, I hope that people will take a moment to relax, to ponder, to realize where they are headed in the new year; take moments to ponder the meaning and value of life... that life in and of itself is sacred. It is worth salvaging, no matter the mess that you are in.

I am hoping you are all filled with hope this season. I know that it is difficult sometimes when loved ones have passed on into eternity because celebrations occur without them, but remember that these loved ones are celebrating with you, just on the other side of the spectrum of what we call life. If you are not filled with hope, call one someone who is and tell them that you need a little of what they have. Ask for hope to be instilled in your heart and it will come to you. For Father freely gives to those who ask of Him. It is His way of giving gifts.

To celebrate Christmas, is to remember that it is about Christ coming to earth to love and save the world... to reconcile humanity back to its creator... this is the real meaning of Christmas. It is the "Christ Mass." I hope in this Christmas season, all those reading here will find themselves at greater peace with themselves and with others because of what Christ did for them... in reconciling the world back to the Father of all mankind.

After all, it's not about commerialism, or who gets the best gifts, it's about loving one another and celebrating each other and knowing that we are together one big community, a big global community called to peace.

With love,


JC said...

Thank you for the beautiful thoughts on Christmas, which help me to remember the vast implications of the fact that the Divine came and took earthly form. Beneath the hustle and bustle of getting everything done, there's that Spirit that connects us all, whether we believe it or not. Thank you for helping me slow down and . . . PONDER!


Ramy Bakke, PhD said...

Yes... I am glad that we are connected. As the world gets more precarious, it is important to remember that we (the global world)share a divine connection that no man can obliterate. It is the connection that includes the fact that we are created in God's image and He has instilled in each of us the desire to find our created purpose and to find our Creator (McGuire, 2006).

Merry CHRISTmas!


McGuire, D. (2006) Sunday morning sermon, 12/24/06: live comments. The River at Music City, Nashville, TN.